Lovelykirankumar / Kk-cords-

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echo "# Kk-cords-" >> git init git add git commit -m "first commit" git branch -M main git remote add origin git push -u origin main #1

Open Lovelykirankumar opened 2 weeks ago

Lovelykirankumar commented 2 weeks ago

// From

// Search from "window" object for(let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window)) { if (window[key]?.constructor.prototype === Object.prototype) { console.log(key) } }

// Imagine that the original object was document.querySelector('a') // With this code you could find some attributes to get the object "window" from that one for(let key1 in document.querySelector('a')) { for(let key2 in document.querySelector('a')[key1]) { if (document.querySelector('a')[key1][key2] === window) { console.log(key1 + "." + key2) } } }Object.prototype.goodbye = function() { console.log("Goodbye!"); };function Vehicle(model) { this.model = model; } var car1 = new Vehicle("Tesla Model S"); // Adding properties to the Vehicle prototype Vehicle.prototype.beep = function() { console.log("Beep beep!"); }; car1.beep(); // Now works and outputs "Beep beep!" Vehicle.prototype.hasWheels = true; console.log(car1.hasWheels); // Outputs true

// Alternate method car1.constructor.prototype.honk = function() { console.log("Honk!"); }; car1.constructor.prototype.isElectric = true;var example = {"key": "value"}; example.constructor.prototype.greet = function() { console.log("Hello!"); };

Lovelykirankumar commented 2 weeks ago

I already know what to do

Lovelykirankumar commented 2 weeks ago

_hg JK hfjufk hg hey gbykikvzjnbhf. Egg n Yb he Debbie 4th b hg) even ntveb_begg n 4th vgv

Lovelykirankumar commented 2 weeks ago

Yb TV bun 4th nynyn4th b 4th by b 4th hmm j ur g'tnbetvtb. Thu by Etty burn egg burrito Yb by CNN hug g FC TBH TN. Bring egg'tby