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Live Play Prediction Dashboard #84

Open zepor opened 4 weeks ago

zepor commented 4 weeks ago

Live Play Prediction Dashboard

1. Real-Time Field Visualization

Visual Design

User Interface Elements

Detailed Requirements for Real-Time Field Visualization

Real-Time Field Visualization

  1. Description:

    • A football field graphic displayed in real-time, showing the current formation and positioning of players. Each player would be represented by a dot or avatar, color-coded based on their team.
    • Arrows or lines might extend from each player, indicating the predicted route or movement (e.g., a wide receiver running a route, a linebacker dropping into coverage).
    • This visualization would update live as the play develops, with predicted movements changing based on the evolving situation on the field.
  2. User Story:

    • As a user, I want to see a real-time visualization of the football field with player formations and predicted movements so that I can understand strategic decisions and game flow better.
  3. Acceptance Criteria:

    • Display a graphical football field.
    • Represent players as color-coded dots or avatars.
    • Show real-time player positions.
    • Indicate predicted routes and movements with arrows or lines.
    • Update the visualization live with low latency.
    • Ensure secure and efficient data handling.
  4. User Flow:

    1. Login/Authentication:
      • Users log in using secure authentication methods (e.g., OAuth2 via Auth0).
    2. Access Dashboard:
      • Upon successful login, users navigate to the Live Play Prediction Dashboard.
    3. Select Game/Match:
      • Users select the ongoing game they want to visualize.
    4. Live Visualization:
      • The dashboard displays a football field graphic.
      • Real-time player positions update frequently (e.g., every second).
      • Predicted movements are drawn as arrows or lines extending from the player avatars.
    5. Interaction:
      • Users can interact with the dashboard (e.g., hovering over a player to see details or pausing the live feed).
    6. Data End:
      • Upon game completion, users can review a replay of the game’s visualizations or access post-game analysis.
  5. Framework and Tools:

    1. Frontend:

      • React.js: For interactive UI
      • Redux: For state management
      • Three.js: For 3D visualizations
      • WebSockets: For real-time data updates
    2. Backend:

      • Node.js / Express.js: To serve the backend APIs and handle WebSocket connections
      • Python (Pandas, NumPy): For data manipulation and predictive models
      • SportsRadar API: For real-time sports data feed
    3. Database and Storage:

      • PostgreSQL: For structured data storage
      • Redis: For caching frequently accessed data to optimize performance
      • Azure Data Lake: For storing historical data
    4. Machine Learning and Predictive Models:

      • Azure Machine Learning Studio: To develop and deploy models
      • TensorFlow / PyTorch: For creating and running prediction models
    5. Deployment and CI/CD:

      • Docker: Containerization for deployment consistency
      • Kubernetes: Managing containerized applications
      • GitHub Actions: For continuous integration and deployment
    6. Monitoring and Analytics:

      • New Relic / Prometheus / Grafana: For monitoring system performance and data quality
      • Sentry: Error tracking and monitoring
  6. Detailed Implementation Steps:

    1. Data Integration:

      • Set up data feeds using the SportsRadar API to pull live game data.
      • Implement ETL processes to format and store data in PostgreSQL and cache frequently accessed data using Redis.
    2. Machine Learning Models:

      • Develop models in Azure ML Studio to predict player movements based on historical data.
      • Use TensorFlow or PyTorch for complex model training and deployment.
      • Access these models via RESTful APIs from Node.js backend.
    3. Backend Development:

      • Create RESTful APIs to serve player positions and predicted routes.
      • Establish WebSocket connections for real-time data delivery.
      • Implement data validation and cleansing to ensure high-quality data.
    4. Frontend Development:

      • Design and implement the React.js dashboard.
      • Use Three.js to render the football field and player movements.
      • Integrate WebSocket client to receive real-time updates and update the visualization accordingly.
    5. Security and Compliance:

      • Ensure secure data transmission using SSL.
      • Implement authentication and authorization using Auth0.
      • Regularly audit data handling practices to ensure compliance with privacy regulations.
    6. Testing and Deployment:

      • Perform unit, integration, and end-to-end testing.
      • Use Docker to containerize the application and Kubernetes to deploy it.
      • Monitor deployment using Prometheus and Grafana for system performance, and Sentry for error tracking.
  7. Additional Considerations:

    • Scalability: Ensure the architecture can handle a large number of simultaneous users.
    • Latency: Optimize data flow and visualization updates for minimal latency.
    • User Feedback: Incorporate user feedback mechanisms to continuously improve the dashboard.
    • Documentation: Maintain comprehensive documentation for both users and developers.
    • Partnerships: Secure partnerships for data feed rights if needed, especially for live game visualizations which may require special permissions or licensing.

This detailed document should cover all crucial aspects of your project, producing a high-quality visual similar to Madden NFL features. It addresses the core needs while providing enough technical specifics to guide the development team.

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