LowLevelMahn / DEVICE.COM

my attempt to reverse engineer DESQview's DOS driver loading tool DEVICE.COM
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DOS device driver header format :-) #1

Open tkchia opened 2 years ago

tkchia commented 2 years ago

Hello @LowLevelMahn,

In case this helps: the device driver header format is described in Ralf Brown's Interrupt List, under "Table 01646". This is the data structure that must appear at the beginning of the executable image when the .sys (or .exe) file is loaded into memory.

Hope this helps. Thank you!

LowLevelMahn commented 2 years ago

thanks for the info, i think it need that information to better understand device.com

btw: is it possible to write dos COM programs with gcc ia 16?

tkchia commented 2 years ago

Hello @LowLevelMahn,

btw: is it possible to write dos COM programs with gcc ia 16?

gcc-ia16 in fact outputs tiny model .com programs by default — to create MZ programs, you need to specify the small memory model or medium memory model. So basically, yes.

Thank you!