LuKks / protobee

Hyperbee over Protomux. Primary server that allows many writable clients
MIT License
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client can also be a server? #5

Open benzmuircroft opened 7 months ago

benzmuircroft commented 7 months ago

like with hyperswarm

server: Accept server connections for this topic by announcing yourself to the DHT. Defaults to true. client: Actively search for and connect to discovered servers. Defaults to true.

benzmuircroft commented 7 months ago

im thinking if everyone started with the same server.key, server.clientSeed after initially creating a temp server and dumping those wouldn't everyone essentially be the same server (like a topic!?)

LuKks commented 7 months ago

Just one server as you can only have a single real Hyperbee instance due its lock

LuKks commented 7 months ago

Think the client as something extremely virtual and ephemeral, it doesn't hold any data or anything, it just makes RPC requests

benzmuircroft commented 7 months ago

but if everyone has the secret key and agrees together who is the leader then only one can write