Coverage decreased (-13.1%) to 62.117% when pulling 3f0489157d2f1e3a90a32f8fb31ade6e02296367 on andersonbsilva:master into f34ebbe1027f9db56ad435e516fc2e5ae9ba259a on Lua-cURL:master.
Coverage decreased (-13.1%) to 62.117% when pulling 3f0489157d2f1e3a90a32f8fb31ade6e02296367 on andersonbsilva:master into f34ebbe1027f9db56ad435e516fc2e5ae9ba259a on Lua-cURL:master.
Compiling the tag v0.3.8 I got some erros till I figured out that there is an invalid semicolon at the and of a define, it does not work.