LuaLS / vscode-lua

Release lua-language-server for VSCode
MIT License
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Include LuaCATS library with a dependent extension #127

Open notpeter opened 11 months ago

notpeter commented 11 months ago


I have a set of LuaCATS types for a proprietary SDK:

I would like to create a simple VSCode extension which depends upon sumneko.lua and bundles those types. Is this possible?

If it is not currently possible, I believe vscode-lua could provide a public API for other extensions by adding additional functions to the object returned from the activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) function:

See: VSCode extensions API Documentation.

This exported API could be something simple like library_add(path) so I can provide a path to a subdirectory in my extension bundle for my lua ---@meta files.

I would love to attempt this myself, but I'm still struggling setup a working extension development environment. See:

Thanks again for creating a great extension.

carsakiller commented 10 months ago

The intention with addons is that the language server can support definitions like this so that you don't have to make your own VS Code extension and it can be used in other editors as well. You could configure your addon for "automatic" enabling using a config.json to make things a little easier.

You could also add this to LLS-Addons which can then be used by the addon manager in VS Code – however, reading their license makes me think that maybe they would not like that.

Currently, my concern is that managing addons and installing them is quickly turning into a full-blown package manager.