LubieKakao1212 / OpenCombatUtility

OpenComputers addon
MIT License
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General feedback and suggestions #1

Open LordDarthDan opened 1 year ago

LordDarthDan commented 1 year ago

First of all, thank you for this excellent mod, it's caught my attention some time ago, but only now have I gotten around to trying it out, and I gotta say, it's (almost) everything I hoped for. I'll get into the "almost" in a bit, but first I wanna point out that the fact that instead of one self-contained machine, you offer two components, that can be made to interact in a variety of ways, is awesome. Yes, the system does allow for a simple railgun or turret setup, but I can also see uses for it in transport, automation, fancy info display (can't wait to try out mana burst 7-segs) and projectile defence. I wish more mods followed this philosophy.

Now tho, I gotta get into what left me wanting more. That was just one thing, really. But a rather important one: the dispenser refuses to shoot anything that isn't vanilla arrows (or firecharges, tnt, potions, fireworks - yea, I read the code... Fireworks in themselves were a bit disappointing in that they shot straight up, rather than along the aiming direction.)

I've installed this mod intending to use it as ship-to-ship weaponry with Valkyrien Skies, and brought a couple mods providing explosive arrows along for this purpose. Imagine my disappointment when I saw the dispenser spit out the arrow item in the perfect arc...

So my first suggestion is - please expand the dispenser mapping to include stuff that generally extends the arrow class, not just vanilla arrows.

Now for the odd stuff. When testing dispensers, I realised two things. First off, the dispense() command does not take any game time, and by looping it 64 times, I was firing out entire stacks of arrows in one shot... I mean I'm not complaining, I do enjoy a bit of a dispenser shotgun action, but tgst probably isn't intentional. I do wonder, however, if controlled multishot capability could also be integrated along with an appropriate shot delay...

The other odd thing with the dispenser itself was that when shooting fire charges at maximum force, they still ended up travelling incredibly slowly. Now it does look absolutely epic, but perhaps that's what I should get with 0.2 force, not 1.5...

I couldn't overlook the repulsor either, and also found two strange things about it. First off, it absolutely refused to launch me, the player, anywhere. Now maybe the issue was that I was in creative, but maybe not. Unsure. Second, more "sinister" issue is what happened when I placed a mob on top of the repulsor and set it to push from (0, 0.5, 0). The mobs straight up disappeared, and while I initially assumed it sent them into low earth orbit, placing a name tag on one revealed that they were, in fact, getting glitched through the ground and into the Void. Gotta say, I wouldn't want my elevator doing that to me if I accidentally went in a wrong direction.. XD

As for more general suggestions, beyond a more inclusive arrow mapping, I would love to see a more modular system for both dispensers and repulsers. As in, being able to build your own model of the device, specialised for your particular needs. A close range, high multishot dispenser, or a high velocity, lower firerate one? Sacrifice rotation speed for greater precision? Have a repulsor that doesn't perform at quite as large of a range, but is capable of exerting a far greater force?

There's a lot of possibilities, and I hope you'll get around to improving this mod once more, someday! Thanks again for creating it in the first place!

LubieKakao1212 commented 1 year ago

First thank you for such a massive feedback, I didn't thought that there is interest in this mod after such a lnog time. Second I am currently working on a 1.18.2 update for the mod.

As for the feedback itself: I agree withe the arrow type one. The dispense() behaviour you described is intentional, although I'm not a big fun of it either, but out of all the multishot ideas I had this one was definitly the least confusing and most balanced. I might rethink it.

About the dispenser fireball bug, I thought I testeed it. Maybe it just has low speed set, I will check that. The repulsor not pushing player was an issue I expirienced, but I thought I have fixed it. And the issue with entties being yeeted into the void, I havent expirienced, so thanks for reporting it.

LordDarthDan commented 1 year ago

Thanks for answering! It's cool that this is coming to 1.18 too, might pair great with Valkyrien Skies 2, tho currently I am personally more interested in 1.12 version for the pack.

The dispense() behaviour you described is intentional, although I'm not a big fun of it either, but out of all the multishot ideas I had this one was definitly the least confusing and most balanced. I might rethink it.

I see, it could be a thing worth documenting tbh... And probably limiting the overall number. 8-16 arrows flying out at once I can live with, but a whole stack (and possibly the whole dispenser, haven't tested) in a single shot is a bit too much for performance.

I have since successfully managed to push the player (aka myslef). I think the issue was the range - most mobs have their origin at the feet, while players' origin is at eye level. So the pulse that reached a mob didn't reach me and more range solved the issue.

LubieKakao1212 commented 1 year ago

Modded arrows now work, and the yeeting proble should also be now fixed

LordDarthDan commented 1 year ago

Amazing, thank you very much!