LubieKakao1212 / OpenCombatUtility

OpenComputers addon
MIT License
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Crash with Sponge server #2

Closed LordDarthDan closed 1 year ago

LordDarthDan commented 1 year ago

Hi again.

I know you're working on 1.18 rn but I'm posting this here just in case, up to you if you wanna do anything with it. Tried launching a pack with OpenCU on a (Sponge) server, and got an on-launch error: [16:18:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: An error occurred trying to load an EventBusSubscriber com.LubieKakao1212.opencu.event.TooltipEventHandler for modid opencu java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/util/ITooltipFlag Full log attached. 2023-01-24-6.log

This looks like some client side code trying to run server side to me, but I'm sure you know more than I do.

LubieKakao1212 commented 1 year ago

Should be fixed in the next update

LordDarthDan commented 1 year ago

Server works, thanks a ton for fixing this so fast!