LubomirJagos / FreeCAD-OpenEMS-Export

Simple GUI plugin for FreeCAD to export current model for EM simulation in OpenEMS
GNU General Public License v3.0
61 stars 5 forks source link

Please add a little more elaboration and screenshots to #1

Open luzpaz opened 3 years ago

luzpaz commented 3 years ago

Just so folks have a better understanding of what this project does.

LubomirJagos commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for your interests, I know that I wasn't adding too much description, in short my idea is to program simple python GUI module which you run from FreeCAD and it shows you simple list where you define material parameters for object in FreeCAD and simple grid parameters and it will generate you Octave script which just simple run. I want to do this to play with antenna designs and filters on PCB. I already know how to program GUI in python for FreeCAD and I want to create this week first prototype to play with simulations, I love it, I studied it at university and now working as test engineer for data satellite units for planes. This is my hobby project and I like to see that other people are interested and it's not just me. Really sorry I would like to regulary continue on this, but sometimes I'm really lazy.

luzpaz commented 3 years ago

Cool thanks for the reply!. Sounds like an awesome project.
Having a better README will help with captivating users to your idea :wink:
FreeCAD motto: "It's done when it's done" :smirk:

luzpaz commented 2 years ago

bumpity bump on improving the README :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

aster1cs commented 1 year ago

I'll second that. This is an amazing project with a potentially big impact in the community. (Using StepUp to convert KiCAD to FreeCAD and subsequently FreeCAD-OpenEMS-Export would be a great toolchain to enable patch antenna simulations under consideration of a whole board design.) However, for new users a slightly more detailed tutorial or a working freecad example project would be really helpful to get started.

MisterHW commented 1 year ago

A good readme is absolutely necessary, but it's also worth thinking about what to split off into separate tutorials. For example, I creates this write-up as I was getting into FDTD and FreeCAD-OpenEMS-Export - but by now I know a bit more about the fundamentals as well as intricacies:

The primary reason I haven't advertised it or provided it as part of the documentation for this repository is that basically all the screenshots are outdated and so much has been improved along the way that it's essentially time to write it from scratch.

In addition to that, some of the challenges I encountered with mesh generation are now being worked on. This mostly concerns

and later probably

On the one hand, the way FreeCAD-OpenEMS-Export handles definitions and checks are key benefits over hand-crafting the .m scripts and should be highlighted in a tangible way, on the other hand they are under active development.

In conclusion, I'd propose that we include the following topics in the readme:

luzpaz commented 1 year ago

@LubomirJagos :point_up_2:

luzpaz commented 1 year ago

@LubomirJagos ping