LucHariman / ng-tagcanvas

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Angular 6 #1

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Hello, I'm currently using angular 6 , downloaded ng-tagcanvas yesterday and added ng-tagcanvas.js into angular-cli.

I used <tag-canvas [tags]="myTags" [options]="{ dragControl: true, weight: true }" (tagClick)="showTagDetails($event)"> in my components but nothing came out, would like to check with you how do I use it?

LucHariman commented 5 years ago

Hello @GoodJeans ,

There's an important step I forgot to put in the README (will add it asap):

After installing ng-tagcanvas through npm, import it under your app module.

import { TagCanvasModule } from 'ng-tagcanvas';
  imports: [

An example is available here:

Hope it helps.