Closed dvanbrug closed 2 years ago
Thanks for reporting this. I have applied the proposed fix.
HI Luca Canali
i am trying spark-measure_2.12-0.17.jar
with the example program mentioned in the post. and as suggested i am using jackson-module-scala_2.13-2.13.1.jar
, and i am still getting the same exception.
Note: jackson* jars and dependencies were manually downloaded from
Command used:
spark-submit --master local[*] --jars ./spark-measure_2.12-0.17. jar,./jackson-annotations-2.13.1.jar,./jackson-core-2.13.1.jar,./jackson-databind-2.13.1.jar,./jackson-module-scala_2.13-2.13.1.jar,./paranamer-2.8.jar,./scala-library-2.13.6.jar --conf sp ./
pl do let me know if i am missing someting.
thanks & regards santhosh
I am sorry.. i built spark-measure_2.12-0.18-SNAPSHOT.jar
from the github and its working fine. i.e its printing the statistics as expected.
i will try building spark-measure_2.12-0.17.jar
from source and update the status.
thanks and regards santhosh
Hi @santvasu thanks for testing and reporting this. This reminds me that I should release version 0.18 with the latest fixes.
When trying to use the Flight Recorder functionality, I get the following error:
To reproduce, checkout the latest version of the code and run:
where is just:
I am using the following versions:
Bumping the version of
and rebuilding seems to fix the problem.