LucaYoy / Many-quantum-bodies-using-quantum-computing

Masters Dissertation
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Plots #14

Closed LucaYoy closed 1 year ago

LucaYoy commented 1 year ago
LucaYoy commented 1 year ago

@NicholasSynesi @as2457 does this look okai? Im still waiting to check against Nicholas if I did my mutual info and entropy correctly but I produced this plot entropyPlots

LucaYoy commented 1 year ago

@NicholasSynesi @as2457 Plots for color map matrixCmPlots

LucaYoy commented 1 year ago

plots for J. There are some problems when trying log scale since it's trying to do log(0). JPlots

AdamSmith-physics commented 1 year ago

@LucaYoy This all looks pretty good to me. It may be that your optimisation has not quite finished as for an even number of qubits you would also expect the results to be inversion symmetric. This may not be the case but it would be my expectation.

For the final plot, the distance d=0 doesn't make sense. It should start from 1 and then the log scale should work.

Note: Please make sure to add to your notebook as well. I know this is annoying since you are clearly doing it here, but the notebook is what you'll get marked on

LucaYoy commented 1 year ago

@as2457 Hmm I still get the same problem my graph on log log scale goes wrong ☠️


AdamSmith-physics commented 1 year ago

@LucaYoy Actually, I think this looks fine.

What you need to do is limit the y-values. It makes sense that this value should go to exactly zero for a certain distance for shallow circuit. you just need to focus on the range of y-values when it is not zero (-infinity on log plot).

Also, when you plot, plot it normally and then use plt.yscale("log") plt.xscale("log") This way the ticks will still correspond to d and not log(d), which is a lot easier to read.

LucaYoy commented 1 year ago

@as2457 What should be on the x axis for the overlap and energy plots? was it layers used for the approximation or was it cycles in the optimisation process?

AdamSmith-physics commented 1 year ago

@LucaYoy it was layers in the circuit.

Plotting against iterations will be useful for figuring out if it has converged though!