LucasAlegre / sumo-rl

Reinforcement Learning environments for Traffic Signal Control with SUMO. Compatible with Gymnasium, PettingZoo, and popular RL libraries.
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Test already trained A3C policy on 4x4 grid #137

Closed sigmarco3 closed 1 year ago

sigmarco3 commented 1 year ago

Hi , i want to test a policy already trained on a single intersection with the dqn algorithm of stable_baselines3, in a multi-agent environment as in the a3c_4x4grid example but without using the train() method because it has already been done. How could this be done?

LucasAlegre commented 1 year ago


If you need to check how to save, load and evaluate an agent in stable-baselines3:

Please open an issue in their github repository, as this is not related to sumo-rl.

smarianimore commented 1 year ago

If I understand correctly the OP question I have a similar issue: what is the correct way to exploit an already trained policy within a SUMO-RL environment. I know how to save and load a model in stable-baselines3 and Ray Rllib, for instance, but I'm uncertain about how the code in a SUMO-RL environment should look like.

Let's take for instance the example at how would lines 39--51 change if I already have a policy trained that I do not want to re-train?

Should they be changed to look like lines 73--75 in example

LucasAlegre commented 1 year ago


The way to evaluate a policy in SUMO-RL is the same as in any Gymnasium/PettingZoo environment. There is nothing particularly different for SUMO-RL.

For instance, you can use the function from stable_baselines3.common.evaluation import evaluate_policy