LucasAschenbach / prompster

Slash commands for ChatGPT, Gemini, and more.
MIT License
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Multiline variables #4

Closed infiniumparty closed 11 months ago

infiniumparty commented 11 months ago

Hello! If possible, please add support for multiline variables to facilitate pasting code and large texts. Currently, code and large texts lose new lines when pasted in as a variable.

Also, the "What's New" button does not work for me. It only opens a popup.html in a new tab. I found out about variables (which is a very useful functionality) very randomly. Tried on Edge and Chrome.

Thank you!

LucasAschenbach commented 11 months ago

Thank's for the feedback!

I'm working on an implementation that wraps the inputs along with the rest of the text so one can use linebreaks and also see the entire content.

There is currently a website in the works for a changelog and feature list. I added a small disclaimer, hinting at the variable feature in the prompt editor for now.

LucasAschenbach commented 11 months ago

I just published version 1.3.3 which adds multiline variables. I expect the new version to be available within the next week.