LucasSNSantos / SpendSmart

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CRUD Transactions #1

Open RiccardoCafa opened 3 weeks ago

RiccardoCafa commented 3 weeks ago


Create a basic CRUD operation for the Transactions table.

Transaction table must contain:

Pay special attention to Category, this can be done in different ways, ChatGpt could create them so it has to be a string or we can pre-define them and use an enum. I think it's better to let ChatGpt define them but we can potentially have a lot of similar but different categories. Let's discuss better in this topic.

RiccardoCafa commented 3 weeks ago

I'm taking this in charge.

I will add a field for UserId (that Id will be from google documents? Idk for now I will use an integer as placeholder, later we change that)

I'm thinking in doing those operations:

It would better if we already had a JWT to used for retrieve the JWT, but as we don't have it. I'll just pass the user id as argument in the HTTP Request. Then change it to get it from the JWT.

Or I can just wait for the JWT to be done.

What you guys think? @LucasSNSantos @RaspyThommy