LucasSNSantos / SpendSmart

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CRUD Recurrent #2

Open RiccardoCafa opened 3 weeks ago

RiccardoCafa commented 3 weeks ago


Create CRUD operations for the Recurrent table.

The table must contain:

sarthakChauhan12 commented 3 weeks ago

Can I work on this issue?

RiccardoCafa commented 3 weeks ago

@sarthakChauhan12 thanks for you interest on helping this project. We're currently on the very early stages of development, so there isn't a database connection yet. I'll probably integrate the application with Firestore today, but this issue depends on that.

If you still would like to take this issue in charge, you can start with an abstract logic, but first could you elaborate what and how you would do it? Also is it clear what Recurrent transaction means to you? We can discuss more about this topic. Then, you should wait for my issue to be complete in order to test in the actual firestore database and do a PR.