LucidDB / adminui

DEFUNCT. Front-end in-browser flash client for connecting to LucidDB's admin web services.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[DADMINUI-47] Add tab to query results: full text. #12

Closed dynamobi-build closed 12 years ago

dynamobi-build commented 12 years ago

[reporter="ksecretan", created="Mon, 23 May 2011 11:43:10 -0700", resolved="Fri, 27 May 2011 15:32:26 -0700"]

The result grid is kind of nice but it would be even nicer to have a separate tab showing raw text (that you can easily select, copy, paste) that you'd get from SQLLine client. (How about with similar options too? i.e. outputformat=vertical, tsv, xmlattr, csv, table, xmlelements; vertical, csv, and table are the important ones.)

dynamobi-build commented 12 years ago

[author="ksecretan", created="Fri, 27 May 2011 15:32:26 -0700"]

Resolving with output formats of vertical, csv, and xml.