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[FRG-282] Support precision in TIME and TIMESTAMP data types #590

Open dynamobi-build opened 12 years ago

dynamobi-build commented 12 years ago

[reporter="jhyde", created="Sun, 15 Jul 2007 14:29:44 -0500 (GMT-05:00)"] Support precision in TIME and TIMESTAMP data types.

Precision is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. For example, precision=2 means that values are stored to an accuracy of 1/100 second. (This is a different use of the term 'precision' in numeric data types. In fact it is nearer to the numeric 'scale' concept than 'precision'; for example DECIMAL(6, 2) has a precision of 6 and scale of 2, yet also stores values with an accuracy of .01.)

This would apply to data types for stored data (e.g. CREATE TABLE (x TIME(2))), and also in expressions; for example, you could write cast(TIME '12:42:25.345' as TIME(2)) and it would return "12:42:25.34".

Some tests are disabled pending this change; search for Bug..

On fixing this issue, a documentation change is required.

dynamobi-build commented 12 years ago

[author="jvs", created="Wed, 3 Sep 2008 12:08:38 -0500 (GMT-05:00)"] Note FRG-341: this will apply to CAST also.