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[FRG-97] Support for JDBC escape syntax is incomplete #773

Open dynamobi-build opened 12 years ago

dynamobi-build commented 12 years ago

[reporter="jhyde", created="Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:11:09 -0500 (GMT-05:00)"] JDBC has 5 escape sequences:

 * {fn ...} for function calls
 * {escape ...} as in "SELECT * FROM emp WHERE name LIKE 'Fred%' {escape '\'}"
 * {call ...} for procedure calls
 * {d, t, ts} for date/time/timestamp constants
 * {oj ...} for outer joins

We currently support 'fn' and 'd/t/ts'. Need to support the 'escape', 'call', 'oj'.

All need to be implemented as pseudo-functions in the parser, and expanded in the validator. If we expand them in the parser, error messages won't make much sense.


Also, escape sequences should only work if Statement.setEscapeProcessing(true) has been called. (I haven't checked whether this works.)

dynamobi-build commented 12 years ago

[author="jhyde", created="Thu, 4 Sep 2008 15:33:49 -0500 (GMT-05:00)"] I've made a little progress on this issue. I got {fn power} working. I will check in shortly.

I also added SqlOperatorTests.testJdbcFn with a test for each function described in the JDBC 3.0 spec. Those which don't work are commented out.

15 functions are working:

        checkScalar("{fn ABS(-3)}", 3, "INTEGER NOT NULL");
        checkScalarApprox("{fn EXP(2)}", "DOUBLE NOT NULL", 7, 0.001);
        checkScalarApprox("{fn LOG(10)}", "DOUBLE NOT NULL", 4, 0.001);
        checkScalarApprox("{fn LOG10(100)}", "DOUBLE NOT NULL", 2, 0);
        checkScalar("{fn MOD(19, 4)}", 3, "INTEGER NOT NULL");
        checkScalar("{fn POWER(2, 3)}", 8, "DOUBLE NOT NULL");
        checkScalar("{fn CONCAT('foo', 'bar')}", "foobar", "CHAR(6) NOT NULL");
        checkScalar("{fn INSERT('abc', 1, 2, 'ABCdef')}", "abcCdef", "VARCHAR(9) NOT NULL");
        checkScalar("{fn LCASE('foo' || 'bar')}", "foobar", "CHAR(6) NOT NULL");
        checkScalar("{fn LOCATE('alphabet', 'ha')}", 3, "INTEGER NOT NULL");
        checkScalar("{fn SUBSTRING('abcdef', 2, 3)}", "bcd", "VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL");
        checkScalar("{fn UCASE('xxx')}", "XXX", "CHAR(3) NOT NULL");
        checkScalar("{fn CURDATE()}", null, "DATE NOT NULL");
        checkScalar("{fn CURTIME()}", null, "TIME(0) NOT NULL");
        checkScalar("{fn NOW()}", null, "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");

LTRIM, RTRIM are implemented but broken. The 3 argument version of LOCATE is not implemented.

The following functions are not implemented:
    {fn ASCII(string)}
    {fn CHAR(code)}
    {fn DIFFERENCE(string1, string2)}
    {fn LEFT(string, count)}
    {fn LENGTH(string)}
    {fn LOCATE(string1, string2[, start])}
    {fn REPEAT(string, count)}
    {fn REPLACE(string1, string2, string3)}
    {fn RIGHT(string, count)}
    {fn SOUNDEX(string)}
    {fn SPACE(count)}
    {fn DAYNAME(date)}
    {fn DAYOFMONTH(date)}
    {fn DAYOFWEEK(date)}
    {fn DAYOFYEAR(date)}
    {fn HOUR(time)}
    {fn MINUTE(time)}
    {fn MONTH(date)}
    {fn MONTHNAME(date)}
    {fn QUARTER(date)}
    {fn SECOND(time)}
    {fn TIMESTAMPADD(interval, count, timestamp)}
    {fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(interval, timestamp1, timestamp2)}
    {fn WEEK(date)}
    {fn YEAR(date)}
    {fn DATABASE()}
    {fn IFNULL(expression, value)}
    {fn USER()}
    {fn CONVERT(value, SQLtype)}