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[FRG-11] infrastructure for diff-based testing of toStreamDef output #859

Open dynamobi-build opened 12 years ago

dynamobi-build commented 12 years ago

[reporter="jvs", created="Tue, 27 Dec 2005 18:16:43 -0500 (GMT-05:00)"] Currently we have no way of testing this other than executing the generated graph; instead we stop at the rel level. Besides usefulness in a test framework, a decent rendering of stream graphs would also be helpful in tracing/debugging (reading XMI may lead to blindness or insanity).

dynamobi-build commented 12 years ago

[author="jvs", created="Fri, 30 Dec 2005 12:38:19 -0500 (GMT-05:00)"] Using the DOT format might be nice so we can just pipe it into graphviz for visualization:

So far none of the attempts at XML formats for graph representation (e.g. XGMML) seem to have caught on.

Another visualization option is to use JGraph/JGraphT like I did for the plannerviz plugin. But graphviz probably does a better job.