LucioC / class_share

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Provide visual feedback for gestures #55

Closed LucioC closed 11 years ago

LucioC commented 11 years ago

Current implementation opens a power point presentation or a image maximzed, providing zero feedback for body/gestures recognition. We shall provide a manner to embbed together with the windows a visual feedback of what the camera is recognizing, to facilitate use of the system (if it is working) and gestures being captured (or not).

One ideia is to put the KinectControlWindow that exist on top of the power point presentation or image being show. This will require change in the code so the windows can receive keyboard input even if not at the top. #45

A further improment would be to embed the image and the power point presentation into a WPF window, keeping compatibility with the usual kinect programming model, and them showing the camera feedback together with the presented material (side by side).

LucioC commented 11 years ago

option one was implemented. Kinect window is being show on top position right down corner. provide points position and hand state (highlighted color for gripp)

LucioC commented 11 years ago
