LuckFire / amoled-cord

A basically pitch black theme for Discord. Lights out, baby!
MIT License
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Theme Repo does not pick up updates #46

Closed alepouna closed 1 year ago

alepouna commented 2 years ago

I realized I am running a very old version of the theme (due to the many discord css updates) but on theme repo the 'source' is from 2021: (when clicking on the source button) image

I don't know if this is a themerepo issue (doubt it but could be) or some miss configuration :)

LuckFire commented 2 years ago

Dunno what client mod this is, but not an issue with the repo 👍

Loremly commented 2 years ago

pretty sure this is goosemods store but goosemod is gone :/ so idk

LuckFire commented 2 years ago

I assumed that but I had the same thought so I wasn't sure lol

alepouna commented 2 years ago

No, this is from DevilBro's BD plugin. Since the plugin is listed here: it is also listed in the repo.

It can be argued if this is a issue with a repo or the plugin, but since all other themes have version control (which reloads the theme and updates the css) and 'update' and work fine with it, I think this is a repo issue 🙂

LuckFire commented 2 years ago

Ohh if it's a DB plugin, it's most likely getting it from the website, so yes it is probably a repo issue because the site isn't picking up the new theme.css file. Once I rework AMOLED-cord tho it'll most likely be fixed, however I'll reopen this issue and leave it opened til that's done 👍

vvirtues commented 2 years ago

Once I rework AMOLED-cord tho it'll most likely be fixed

ETA for the rework?

LuckFire commented 2 years ago

Whenever a "good" client mod works, such as Replugged. I could use BetterDiscord, but I'd have to figure out a way to do stuff in the structure that I was before which I don't think I can easily do.

LuckFire commented 2 years ago

i did not mean to close that LMAO

LuckFire commented 1 year ago

This should be fixed now.