Open Bakalexis opened 4 years ago
I can't really see why this would be a particularly good feature to have in the web editor. The Displayname is not really for coloured names and is mainly made for Vault, to display a different name/text than what the group is actually called (e.g. group is called default but Vault will display it as "member" for ther plugins using its API.)
The colour is really only useful in chat plugins and such, but again I myself don't see a reason why this would be useful. Also, feature requests for the editor should go to
Didn't said it would be useful but for now group displayname is colored In-Game, so it would also be logical to have it colored in the web editor too
I have thought about doing colour code support in the web editor but it is really hard to do.
Also the right Place for this would be lucko/LuckPermsWeb
Is it possible to transfer it to lucko/LuckPermsWeb ?
Yes but only @lucko can do that.
Hi, when we are using
/lp group GROUP setdisplayname &cAdmin
we are not able to see a colored displayname in the web editor, so because we updated to the version 5 of LuckPerms and the web editor has changed, it would be good if we can display name of the groups with colors.