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better descriptions for Permission Calculation #132

Open RedstoneFuture opened 2 years ago

RedstoneFuture commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the already good documentation. It helps with the most common administration tasks for this plugin. It should be enough for most users, but for more advanced users it lacks documentation of the permission prioritization and what effects the priority calculation.


For permission debugging it's very important to understand which permissions are higher weighted than others.

For example: What is the priority list here for Testuser1 at Server1 in World1:

USER: Testuser1

RANG: group.rang1

RANG: group.rang2

RANG: group.rang3

It's hard (or for me: impossible) to say how the plugin would apply the permissions in the current context, without testing it out first. Of course, that is an extreme example, but it helps to understand how hard the analysis of permission problems can be, especially with the amount of different configuration settings, player contexts and everything else that can affect the calculation.

In this case, I defined the following configuration options:

Priority (what we know)

So basically, I know the follow priorities, based on the configuration and the wiki article on as well as my own experience with Minecraft permission systems, especially with LuckPerms:

The article is a good documentation, but it doesn't describe the order of the checks. What happens if I combine two or more of these points (for example: temporary GLOBAL permission for 1 hour vs. temporary PLAYER permission for 1 day)?

Some suggestions for existing wiki articles and

I think they need improved descriptions: Is max-homes an example-permission like max-homes.<number> or a meta value like a prefix / expiration time? Maybe first write a definition of meta value and a link to or similar would be useful.

I think you should reference the player.addAttachment(); method in the description to make it more clear what you mean with "are able to add their own »permission attachment« to players".

Ideas for the wiki articles

lucko commented 2 years ago

This all sounds good, PR would be appreciated!

RedstoneFuture commented 2 years ago

The documentation of the calculation process / the priorities should be done by one of the LuckPerms core team members. It should be really accurate and precise.