LuckSiege / PictureSelector

Picture Selector Library for Android or 图片选择器
Apache License 2.0
13.17k stars 2.99k forks source link

cannot find symbol symbol: class OnResultCallbackListener location: class MainActivity.AdvanceWebViewClient #2880

Closed masudscloud closed 3 months ago

masudscloud commented 3 months ago

Current use version?



Will this problem occur in demo?



Describe the problem or provide an error log?


When I'm building this on android studio, it is showing the below error: 

error: cannot find symbol
                        .forResult(new OnResultCallbackListener<LocalMedia>() {
  symbol:   class OnResultCallbackListener
  location: class MainActivity.AdvanceWebViewClient

how to fix this please help!
masudscloud commented 3 months ago

Fixed, just clean your build and sync with gradle, this issue was created by android studio, not related to the project itself. Closing the issue.