LuckSiege / PictureSelector

Picture Selector Library for Android or 图片选择器
Apache License 2.0
13.17k stars 2.99k forks source link

Data empty onSaveInstanceState issue #2893

Open waseemhehe opened 2 months ago

waseemhehe commented 2 months ago

Current use version?


Latest version

Latest version

Will this problem occur in demo?


this problem occur on pause and on resume method 

Describe the problem or provide an error log?


when app go on pause and i focus on apps like open 3 to 5 apps process end and start again all the data of pictures in recycler view becomes empty like there is no data i apply same method in this app same issue  

Screenshot_20240516_143223 Screenshot_20240516_143311

waseemhehe commented 2 months ago

that happened in device xiaomi 220333QAG