LuckyGeck / YcmdCompletion

Sublime Text 3 plugin for C++ code completion and error highlighting, based on Ycmd server
MIT License
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Customized YCMD completer for .feature files works in vim but not in Sublime Editor v3 #32

Open lazyxiong opened 3 years ago

lazyxiong commented 3 years ago


I have created a customized completer for .feature files (cucumber steps). It works nicely in vim. Doesn't work in Sublime with YcmdCompletion plugin. I realize it is not exactly YcmdCompletion team problem, but any help is appreciated. Here is my setup:

I have Cucumber plugin for Sublime also installed.

Relevant settings for YcmdCompletion:

"ycmd_path": "/Users//.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ycmd" "python_binary_path": "/Users//.pyenv/shims/python" "languages": ["cpp", "python", "cucumber"]

When I open a .feature file in a editor and the console, I see the following in the console:

[Ycmd] Local Server started at: http://localhost:54787 Indexing gherkin phrases done [Ycmd][ConfigError] Language 'cucumber' specified in settings file is not supported by ycmd

It is something about telling ycmd server to use my completer (which is in the third_party/ dir) and it works in vim without issues.

Thank you for any help ! Alex