LuckyPuppy514 / Play-With-MPV

使用 MPV 播放网页中的视频
MIT License
570 stars 19 forks source link

How do I play using VLC? #136

Closed cleuton4k closed 8 months ago

cleuton4k commented 8 months ago

667 668

LuckyPuppy514 commented 8 months ago

try this vlc://${videoUrl} or vlc://${EvideoUrl}


if not work, you may need add reg like this:

cleuton4k commented 8 months ago

did not work

LuckyPuppy514 commented 8 months ago


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="vlc Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""




@="C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -Command \"& {Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web;$PARAMS=([System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlDecode('%1') -replace '^vlc://'); Start-Process -FilePath \\\"D://VLC//vlc.exe\\\" -ArgumentList $PARAMS}\""
  1. replace D://VLC//vlc.exe with your vlc location and save as vlc-install.reg

  2. double click vlc-install.reg

  3. input vlc://${videoUrl} to 视频参数 and save


supported website:

some player may not work at some website without yt-dlp or special param config

other param setting you can find here