LuckyPuppy514 / jproxy

介于 Sonarr / Radarr 和 Jackett / Prowlarr 之间的代理,主要用于优化查询和提升识别率 | A proxy between Sonarr / Radarr and Jackett / Prowlarr, mainly used to optimize search and improve recognition rate
MIT License
241 stars 28 forks source link

新版MIN_COUNT参数似乎失效了? #97

Open kristianvmd opened 6 months ago

kristianvmd commented 6 months ago

部署环境(windows / docker)



更新了新版以后,MIN_COUNT似乎即便加了,也不会用中文标题搜了,大部分剧集根本就没有“中文标题 S01”这种命名方式的,导致很多都不出来


LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago

image image

我 Prowlarr 和 Jackett 都试过了,没问题

kristianvmd commented 6 months ago

image image

我 Prowlarr 和 Jackett 都试过了,没问题


LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago

Jackett: v0.21.1781 Sonarr:

LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found
      ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗
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      ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
      ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝
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User UID:    1000
User GID:    1000
[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
02-20 20:06:47 Info Starting Jackett v0.21.1797
02-20 20:06:47 Info Environment version: 6.0.27 (/app/Jackett/)
02-20 20:06:47 Info OS version: Unix (64bit OS) (64bit process)
02-20 20:06:47 Info Jackett variant: CoreLinuxMuslAmdx64
02-20 20:06:47 Info File /etc/issue: Welcome to Alpine Linux 3.18
02-20 20:06:47 Info Running in Docker: Yes (image build: v0.21.1797-ls312)
02-20 20:06:47 Info ThreadPool MaxThreads: 32767 workerThreads, 1000 completionPortThreads
02-20 20:06:47 Info App config/log directory: /config/Jackett
02-20 20:06:47 Info Using proxy: Disabled
02-20 20:06:47 Info Using FlareSolverr:
02-20 20:06:47 Info Using HTTP Client: HttpWebClient2
02-20 20:06:47 Info Loading Native indexers ...
02-20 20:06:47 Info Loaded 73 Native indexers.
02-20 20:06:47 Info Loading Cardigann indexers from: /config/cardigann/definitions/, /etc/xdg/cardigan/definitions/, /app/Jackett/Definitions
02-20 20:06:48 Info Loaded 534 Cardigann indexers.
02-20 20:06:48 Info Loaded 607 indexers in total
02-20 20:06:48 Info Adding aggregate indexer ('all' indexer) ...
02-20 20:06:48 Info Adding filter indexer ('type:public' indexer) ...
02-20 20:06:48 Info Adding filter indexer ('type:private' indexer) ...
02-20 20:06:48 Info Adding filter indexer ('type:semi-public' indexer) ...
02-20 20:06:49 Info Jackett startup finished in 2.162 s
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /app/Jackett/Content
Now listening on: http://[::]:9117
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
[] done.
02-20 20:07:51 Info Torznab search in Mikan for Detective Conan 1115 => Found 1 releases [1559ms]
02-20 20:07:51 Info Torznab search in Mikan for 名侦探柯南 1115 => Found 2 releases [578ms]
02-20 20:07:52 Info Torznab search in Mikan for 名偵探柯南 1115 => Found 2 releases [595ms]
02-20 20:07:53 Info Torznab search in Mikan for 名侦探柯南 => Found 95 releases [1458ms]
02-20 20:07:56 Info Torznab search in Mikan for 名侦探柯南 => Found 0 releases [0ms]
02-20 20:07:58 Info Torznab search in Mikan for Case Closed 1115 => Found 0 releases [600ms]
02-20 20:08:01 Info Torznab search in Mikan for Meitantei Conan 1115 => Found 0 releases [773ms]
02-20 20:08:03 Info Torznab search in Mikan for Detektiv Conan 1115 => Found 0 releases [753ms]

已经升级到最新版了,还是没问题,建议你先按问题模板提供复现问题的必要信息,比如哪部剧,sonarr 中的设置截图,jproxy 的设置截图,以及必要的日志信息

kristianvmd commented 6 months ago



02-20 20:09:41 Info Torznab search in Audiences for Percy Jackson e gli Dei dellOlimpo S01 => Found 0 releases [3409ms]
02-20 20:09:41 Info Torznab search in Audiences for Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo S01 => Found 0 releases [804ms]
02-20 20:09:43 Info Torznab search in Audiences for Percy Jackson Die Serie S01 => Found 0 releases [857ms]
02-20 20:09:46 Info Torznab search in Audiences for Percy Jackson y los dioses del olimpo S01 => Found 0 releases [1160ms]
02-20 20:09:48 Info Torznab search in Audiences for Percy Jackson et les olympiens S01 => Found 0 releases [1149ms]
02-20 20:09:57 Info Torznab search in Audiences for Percy Jackson and the Olympians S01 => Found 11 releases [2287ms]


02-20 20:16:03 Info Torznab search in TorrentLeech for Percy Jackson and the Olympians S01 => Found 35 releases [4555ms]
02-20 20:16:03 Warn Some of the categories provided are unsupported in TorrentLeech: 100002,100007
02-20 20:16:08 Info Torznab search in TorrentLeech for 波西杰克逊与奥林匹亚众神 S01 => Found 0 releases [4443ms]
02-20 20:16:08 Warn Some of the categories provided are unsupported in TorrentLeech: 100002,100007
02-20 20:16:08 Info Torznab search in OKPT => Found 100 releases [3061ms]
02-20 20:16:09 Error Jackett.Common.IndexerException: Exception (mteamtp): Connection reset by peer
[v0.21.1792.0] Jackett.Common.IndexerException: Exception (mteamtp): Connection reset by peer
 ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
 ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: Connection reset by peer.
 ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (104): Connection reset by peer
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource<System.Int32>.GetResult(Int16 token)
   at System.Net.Security.SslStream.<FillHandshakeBufferAsync>g__InternalFillHandshakeBufferAsync|189_0[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter adap, ValueTask`1 task, Int32 minSize)
   at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ReceiveBlobAsync[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter adapter)
   at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ForceAuthenticationAsync[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter adapter, Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] reAuthenticationData, Boolean isApm)
   at System.Net.Http.ConnectHelper.EstablishSslConnectionAsync(SslClientAuthenticationOptions sslOptions, HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Net.Http.ConnectHelper.EstablishSslConnectionAsync(SslClientAuthenticationOptions sslOptions, HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.ConnectAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.CreateHttp11ConnectionAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.AddHttp11ConnectionAsync(HttpRequestMessage request)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSourceWithCancellation`1.WaitWithCancellationAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.GetHttp11ConnectionAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.SendWithVersionDetectionAndRetryAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, Boolean doRequestAuth, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Http.DiagnosticsHandler.SendAsyncCore(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Http.DecompressionHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at FlareSolverrSharp.ClearanceHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.<SendAsync>g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpCompletionOption completionOption, CancellationTokenSource cts, Boolean disposeCts, CancellationTokenSource pendingRequestsCts, CancellationToken originalCancellationToken)
   at Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients.HttpWebClient2.Run(WebRequest webRequest) in ./Jackett.Common/Utils/Clients/HttpWebClient2.cs:line 178
   at Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients.WebClient.GetResultAsync(WebRequest request) in ./Jackett.Common/Utils/Clients/WebClient.cs:line 219
   at Jackett.Common.Indexers.BaseWebIndexer.RequestWithCookiesAsync(String url, String cookieOverride, RequestType method, String referer, IEnumerable`1 data, Dictionary`2 headers, String rawbody, Nullable`1 emulateBrowser) in ./Jackett.Common/Indexers/BaseIndexer.cs:line 573
   at Jackett.Common.Indexers.CardigannIndexer.PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query) in ./Jackett.Common/Indexers/CardigannIndexer.cs:line 1505
   at Jackett.Common.Indexers.BaseIndexer.ResultsForQuery(TorznabQuery query, Boolean isMetaIndexer) in ./Jackett.Common/Indexers/BaseIndexer.cs:line 360
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Jackett.Common.Indexers.BaseIndexer.ResultsForQuery(TorznabQuery query, Boolean isMetaIndexer) in ./Jackett.Common/Indexers/BaseIndexer.cs:line 360
   at Jackett.Common.Indexers.BaseWebIndexer.ResultsForQuery(TorznabQuery query, Boolean isMetaIndexer) in ./Jackett.Common/Indexers/BaseIndexer.cs:line 747
   at Jackett.Server.Controllers.ResultsController.Torznab(TorznabRequest request) in ./Jackett.Server/Controllers/ResultsController.cs:line 489
02-20 20:16:12 Info Torznab search in TorrentLeech for 波西傑克森 S01 => Found 0 releases [4505ms]
02-20 20:16:12 Warn Some of the categories provided are unsupported in TorrentLeech: 100002,100007
02-20 20:16:17 Info Torznab search in TorrentLeech for 波西杰克逊与奥林匹亚众神 => Found 0 releases [4469ms]


02-20 20:18:03 Info Torznab search in PThome for Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo S01 => Found 0 releases [949ms]
02-20 20:18:05 Info Torznab search in PThome for Percy Jackson Die Serie S01 => Found 0 releases [725ms]
02-20 20:18:07 Info Torznab search in PThome for Percy Jackson y los dioses del olimpo S01 => Found 0 releases [915ms]
02-20 20:18:09 Info Torznab search in PThome for Percy Jackson et les olympiens S01 => Found 0 releases [717ms]
02-20 20:18:17 Info Torznab search in PThome for Percy Jackson and the Olympians S01 => Found 9 releases [1527ms]



02-20 20:20:00 Info Torznab search in Audiences for ted S01 => Found 100 releases [2138ms]
02-20 20:20:17 Info Torznab search in Audiences for ted S01 => Found 0 releases [0ms]
02-20 20:20:19 Info Torznab search in Audiences for 泰迪熊 S01 => Found 5 releases [1654ms]
02-20 20:20:20 Info Torznab search in Audiences for ted S01 => Found 95 releases [1534ms]
02-20 20:20:37 Info Torznab search in Audiences for ted S01 => Found 0 releases [0ms]
02-20 20:20:39 Info Torznab search in Audiences for 泰迪熊 => Found 5 releases [2032ms]


02-20 20:20:39 Info Torznab search in Audiences for 泰迪熊 => Found 5 releases [2032ms]
02-20 20:23:36 Info Torznab search in PThome for ted S01 => Found 93 releases [3741ms]
02-20 20:23:38 Info Torznab search in PThome for 泰迪熊 S01 => Found 0 releases [1121ms]
02-20 20:23:39 Info Torznab search in PThome for ted S01 => Found 7 releases [1407ms]
02-20 20:23:55 Info Torznab search in PThome for ted S01 => Found 0 releases [0ms]
02-20 20:23:56 Info Torznab search in PThome for 泰迪熊 => Found 0 releases [1057ms]
LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago

中文搜索前提是 JProxy 中的 TMDB 同步了对应剧集的标题,你先检查下是否同步成功了,如果没有,可以尝试重新同步,还是没有可能是 TMDB 就没有,也可以手动添加,重新测试的时候建议清除一下所有缓存

kristianvmd commented 6 months ago

中文搜索前提是 JProxy 中的 TMDB 同步了对应剧集的标题,你先检查下是否同步成功了,如果没有,可以尝试重新同步,还是没有可能是 TMDB 就没有,也可以手动添加,重新测试的时候建议清除一下所有缓存

我检查过同步了,而且奇怪的是有一个外站反而能用中文搜的,你看上面波西杰克逊与奥林匹亚众神的日志TorrentLeech这个站就可以用中文搜,国内的站反而都不行 截屏_-_2月20日_下午8_34

LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago


kristianvmd commented 6 months ago



LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago

你自己到站点上用中文搜索,或者在 Jackett 中用中文搜索试试不就知道了

kristianvmd commented 6 months ago

你自己到站点上用中文搜索,或者在 Jackett 中用中文搜索试试不就知道了


LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago

你先理清你的问题,到底是某个站点全部都不行, 还是某个站点某个剧不行,还是某个剧所有站点都不行

LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago

如果是某个剧集不行,有可能是因为映射不到对应的主标题,sonarr 搜索的时候只会提供,标题 + 季 + 集 三个信息,jproxy 只能根据标题从数据库中搜索对应的剧集,但是有时候 sonarr 会对标题进行处理,会导致 jproxy 无法找到对应的剧集,不知道是那部剧,自然不知道该用哪个中文标题追加搜索了,但是是极个别的情况

02-20 20:18:03 Info Torznab search in PThome for Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo S01 => Found 0 releases [949ms]
02-20 20:18:05 Info Torznab search in PThome for Percy Jackson Die Serie S01 => Found 0 releases [725ms]
02-20 20:18:07 Info Torznab search in PThome for Percy Jackson y los dioses del olimpo S01 => Found 0 releases [915ms]
02-20 20:18:09 Info Torznab search in PThome for Percy Jackson et les olympiens S01 => Found 0 releases [717ms]
02-20 20:18:17 Info Torznab search in PThome for Percy Jackson and the Olympians S01 => Found 9 releases [1527ms]

你在 JProxy 剧集标题中,看下这部剧的第一个英文标题,跟这几个搜索记录对比下,净标题不一致,JProxy 就无法匹配到对应的剧集

LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [] | ID(s): IMDbId:[12324366] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [HHanClub] for Term: [] | ID(s): IMDbId:[12324366] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PTerClub] for Term: [] | ID(s): IMDbId:[12324366] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [Audiences] for Term: [] | ID(s): IMDbId:[12324366] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson e gli Dei dellOlimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson e gli Dei dellOlimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson Die Serie] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson y los dioses del olimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson Die Serie] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson et les olympiens] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson y los dioses del olimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson and the Olympians] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson et les olympiens] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson and the Olympians] for Season / Episode:[S01E01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [Audiences] for Term: [] | ID(s): IMDbId:[12324366] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [HHanClub] for Term: [] | ID(s): IMDbId:[12324366] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [] | ID(s): IMDbId:[12324366] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PTerClub] for Term: [] | ID(s): IMDbId:[12324366] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson e gli Dei dellOlimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson e gli Dei dellOlimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson Die Serie] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson Die Serie] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson y los dioses del olimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson y los dioses del olimpo] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson et les olympiens] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson et les olympiens] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [EZTV] for Term: [Percy Jackson and the Olympians] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 
[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [PigNetwork] for Term: [Percy Jackson and the Olympians] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 

我这里看起来也没有追加中文标题,但是会追加 IMDBID 去搜索,有些站点会把标题转成 ID 去搜索,更准确,应该是这个原因

[Info] ReleaseSearchService: Searching indexer(s): [Audiences] for Term: [] | ID(s): IMDbId:[12324366] for Season / Episode:[S01], Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Categories: [5000] 



kristianvmd commented 6 months ago


02-21 01:11:49 Info Torznab search in M-Team - TP for Percy Jackson e gli Dei dellOlimpo S01 => Found 0 releases [2137ms]
02-21 01:11:55 Info Torznab search in M-Team - TP for Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo S01 => Found 0 releases [6362ms]
02-21 01:12:02 Info Torznab search in M-Team - TP for Percy Jackson Die Serie S01 => Found 0 releases [6471ms]
02-21 01:12:08 Info Torznab search in M-Team - TP for Percy Jackson y los dioses del olimpo S01 => Found 0 releases [6588ms]
02-21 01:12:15 Info Torznab search in M-Team - TP for Percy Jackson et les olympiens S01 => Found 0 releases [7298ms]
02-21 01:12:22 Info CardigannIndexer(mteamtp): Relogin required
02-21 01:12:43 Info Torznab search in M-Team - TP for Percy Jackson and the Olympians S01 => Found 0 releases [22020ms]



LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago

image image

LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago

检查你的 Jackett 和 Sonarr 中的 Series Type 和 Indexer 设置,特别是分类

LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago

如果还有问题建议你加Q群:921905633 找我远程,我这边无法复现你的问题,而且这几个系统稍微有一点设置错误,就可能导致找不到结果

kristianvmd commented 6 months ago

Percy Jackson



LuckyPuppy514 commented 6 months ago

Percy Jackson



我上面说过了,很多 PT 站点会把标题转成 ID 进行搜索,我截图的日志都有 错误是指你自己的 sonarr / jackett 配置错误: