LuckyYam / Chitoge

Just a Fork of Void. Not maintained anymore
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Features request #20

Closed Liton124 closed 2 years ago

Liton124 commented 2 years ago

1) Add a quiz game there

condition: quiz can be played by 4 player maximum and 2 player minimum. There will be 3 teams maximum if individual [total 3 player individually] or two team maximum if duo [two players in each team] . Question will be served in teams. There will be a deadline [90-120 second] of each question. Once the deadline has passed and any team not able to answer the question, there will be a chance of opponent team/teams to giving the question's answer [there will be a bonus point and deadline(45-60 second) too]. There will be a point for giving the right answer of each question in deadline. Points will continue to be added of giving right answers of each questions from each team. If there is wrong answer no points will be added [points will be zero]. There will be total 10 questions and each right answer point- 10 and bonus point -5 . after ending questioning there will be a counts of total points. And declare the winner team.

2) Guess the lyrics game

Condition: have to guess the lyrics in a certain time [in a deadline]. It will reavel the answer after deadline if no one ables to answer the correct one.

I hope you will see my request. Thank you.