Ludeon / RimWorld-Romanian

Romanian translation of RimWorld.
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Backstories description translations #8

Closed nomius10 closed 3 years ago

nomius10 commented 3 years ago
EN_words %done t_unused Path
33734 2.31 Core\Backstories\Backstories.xml
33734 2.31 Core\Backstories

This is a lot of work. Each backstory description has to be written in such a way that the words are conjugated to the proper gender. E.G:

[PAWN_nameDef] s-a născut bolnăvici{PAWN_gender ? os : oasă}. Gândindu-se că [PAWN_pronoun] nu-i decât o povară pentru trib, părinții [PAWN_possessive] {PAWN_gender ? l-au expus : au expus-o} elementelor. Cumva, [PAWN_pronoun] a supraviețuit
nomius10 commented 3 years ago

I found a method through which to translate these bios automatically, whilst keeping the gender inflections. It's easier than I thought initially. Currently working on it.