Ludovicus-Maior / WoW-Pro-Guides

A World of Warcraft addon bringing guides into the game.
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Addon Crashing #123

Closed CodingDino closed 13 years ago

CodingDino commented 14 years ago

Submitted by Kahnugo on Thu, 2010-08-26 06:47. (via WoW-Pro)

I absolutely adore the addon, getting a bit addicted actually. But after using it for about 5 days it starts to crash the game, and I can't make it work again Sad (in my case trying to get it work limits to removing and installing again.. Sticking out tongue).

If someone has any idea of what I can do to make it work again I would be grateful

CodingDino commented 14 years ago

Submitted by Kahnugo on Fri, 2010-08-27 02:16.

I can remember exactly where. I was about to do the end quest of the magnataur group quest when the problem first arrived. I got dc'ed in fight, logged on immidiatly, dc'ed instantly, repeated a few times, ended up as ghost and from them it would dc me instantly every time I tried to do something/cast something (as in resurrect, cast a seal, a blessing).

Then I would wait a little bit and I could buff up again, started the fight once more and same thing occured over again, exact same thing.

I then proceeded to grizzly hills after clearing the area. Updating to the new version that had just popped up thinking maybe it will work now. But same thing happened in grizzly hills after a few mins while I was doing the quest collecting deer meat.

I have yet to try it on other characters, but I really want to get my paladin up, so I'm using all time on that, without the addon currently, as I gave up on using it.

note: I was obviously using the dragonblight and grizzly hills guide in the respective areas

Lumaswell commented 14 years ago

I have run into a similar problem, here's my info and thoughts:

Problem first occurred in grizzly hills on the Tallhorn stags. However, my wow didn't crash, and neither did the addon. Instead, my connection to the server was lost, repeatedly. After running the repair tool and disabling all my adons, the problem went away. When I re-enabled, the problem came back. When I cleared the files you mentioned in the wtf folder, the problem went away.

Problem 1) Server connection lost. Occurs when initiating combat with a quest related mob. Was repeatable, and very irritating. Did not occur every time combat was initiated, but once the problem began every time combat started the reset occurred.

Problem 2) If combat wasn't finished when I tried to log back in (ie my toon was not yet dead) the server connection was immediately lost. Additionally, once a failed login occurred (ie loading screen finished, screen loads showing character and interface, then immediately loses connection) it would take 2 or 3 more attempts and the login occurring at the graveyard to allow an actual sign on.

I suspect something is going wrong with the writing to the saved variable file as the problems occurred only when initiating combat with a quest mob, and on logon when a saved variable file is typically read.

Hope this helps. Like I said deleting the saved variable file solves the problem (note that I did not upgrade the addon, it was brand new) and I love the guides. Keep up the good work.

kristjin commented 14 years ago

Over the past few days I have had maybe 4 or 5 occurrences of being in game and just suddenly and without explanation I lose the connection to the server. I have had no problems relogging, and it does not seem to be related to any particular activity - I've been doing different things each time. No idea if the addon is responsible or not, since there's no stubby action when you lose server connections.

CodingDino commented 14 years ago

Matt, I'm not sure if your problem is related or not. But the problem Lumaswell and other users report is DEFINITELY a problem with our addon. Luma, thank you sooo much for being so detailed in your report, that really helps.

I'll look into this ASAP - luckily I have a character nearing those levels so I can even test it myself.

On a side note, it's probably been said somewhere, but is it Horde or Alliance that these problems are occurring on?

Lumaswell commented 14 years ago

Sorry, alliance side. Right outside the initial quest hub. Not sure about the others, but 2/3 chance they are alliance :)

kristjin commented 14 years ago

Ok, I can confirm I'm having the same problem. CTD's occur when in combat and checking off items. This is horde side, WoW live and beta both. I've also had some additional problems with CTD's being caused particularly if scroll mode is activated, again, when checking off an item. Supporting Lumaswell's theory about incorrectly writing to the saved variables file, when I get the CTD, upon logging back in, the addon has had to utilize the .bak .lua from the saved variables folder, instead of one that reflects which guide I was using at the time of the CTD. For me this has been happening in all zones, and again, live/beta makes no diff.

CodingDino commented 14 years ago

The game will not save savedvariables when the client crashes, so that in itself does not point to a problem with savedvariables. Thanks for the detailed report!

CodingDino commented 14 years ago

Still have no idea why this is going on. Silvann, if you get a chance to look at this, I would greatly appreciate it!

silvann commented 14 years ago

Taking a look at this.

CodingDino commented 14 years ago

You are awesome. Can't say it enough! :D

silvann commented 14 years ago

kristjin - have you noticed if the crashes happened with increased frequency over time? I have a hunch this may be memory leaks.

CodingDino commented 14 years ago

Possibly resolved with silvann's fix for the memory leak issue. Not marking as such until we've tested. Please give any feedback you find on this, everyone!

silvann commented 14 years ago

This is not reasolved. :( I had a crash yesterday night, after I made the other fixes. It was in Grizzly Hills and now I don't think the problem is memory leaks, as I didnt get any increasing lagginess before the crash, something I'd expect. I was at the My Enemy's Friend step, not in combat, and the crash occured when I clicked the 'Use Item' button, to accept the quest from a book. So, something else is going on.

Then I had to delete the savedvariable's file to be able to log back in.

CodingDino commented 14 years ago

Grizzly Hills especially seems a problem child for this issue. I have never ever had this problem, so I don't know what to say! Were you running Carbonite at the time, silvann?

silvann commented 14 years ago

Nope, I had TomTom.

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

Well there goes that theory. Drat.

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

Posted by apc0243:

I downloaded the WoWPro addon in its entirety as well as the TomTom addon on September 24th of this year.

I'm using the horde guide, and in badlands I am on the quest Indurium. As soon as I collected the 10th ore my game crashed. I had to end the WoW task, and when I restarted the game I couldn't load past the loading screen. As soon as the bar reached complete the game froze. I disabled each of the addons (2 WoW pro, and the Tomtom), and it only freezes when i try loading the WoW Pro Leveling Guide, the other 2 had no effect.

So i handed in the quest, and I picked up the next one and reloaded the addon, but when I try to check the indurium quest it freezes.

Had to reset the profile in the interface->addons->Leveling Guide and got it to work.

Lumaswell commented 13 years ago

Hey all, while I don't know LUA coding and haven't tried to debug anything with your code - the fact that it's causing a disconnect caused me to go back and see if other add ons may have had this issue and what the cause was in their case. Found this post: -it's a bit dated, but a serial disconnect sounds like there may be events that are causing server-client spam. I very much doubt it's your fault, it's probably something weird like waiting for feedback from the player and the addon is simply sitting in the data stream. If you can monitor the communications it may help. Good Luck.

silvann commented 13 years ago

Interesting, I'll take a look at that.

silvann commented 13 years ago

Posted by b34ny on WoWPro:

Getting a game crashing bug related to Missing Missive in HP. With mod enabled I will freeze on login, disable and I'm good. Happened AFTER I accepted the quest by right-clicking the bag.

I'm going to see if I can fix my own problem by hacking that particular section in the guide but thought you should know.

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

I can't help but think this is occurring due to an addon conflict - clearly it's a problem for many users, but I myself have never had a crash or DC occur when using a guide. Could it be a matter of several addons listening to the same event and all trying to do something at once? I really don't know if that would cause the kind of thing we're seeing, though.

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

User Zidomo on WoWI found some taint logs that could be an indicator of our addon's crashing problem. I know NOTHING about taint, and was really hoping we wouldn't have to worry about it, but I guess that was wrong!

His comment in full can be found here:

Any insight anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated!

Lumaswell commented 13 years ago

After reading the taint log through a little - and then going and reading about taint - it looks like updating the guide during combat may be the issue. If I had to guess, I'd bet the combat "lag" is the issue. IE Kill a mob, loot them, then a second or so later it exits out of combat. If I understood taint correctly, and the lua log, I'd bet taint is occuring after combat.

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

The addon isn't supposed to call the UpdateGuide() function until after player regen is enabled :(

ckelly227 commented 13 years ago

The addon is crashing for me. I disabled all other addons except for TomTom. I am on the Falcon Ridge area of the Horde HFP quest guide. When I log in there are 5-7 quests obj. I have completed that is does not recognize. When I manually click these to close them, it will lock up after clicking 2-3 obj.

I have tried every iteration I could think of. All addons disabled, etc. With or without TomTom makes no difference.

It sucks since this is the best WoW addon out there! Hope this issue can be traced.

thanks all

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

Thanks ckelly, this is helpful info. I'll see what I can do, so far the cause of these crashes has eluded us though :(

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

ckelly, if you can remember any exact step names, that would be awesome.

silvann commented 13 years ago

Good news: I found the problem with the taint log and it should be easy to fix. I'll open a different issue for it. Bad news: I'm 99.99% sure it has nothing to do with the crashes, etc. >>

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

Good, and sad! Oh well, at least we're getting the taint out of there.

ckelly227 commented 13 years ago

Jiyambi, I am using the Horde HFP Levling Guide. I am up through where I accept the quest for “ ! Source of Corruption”. I logged out, and when I came back, the guide shows that I have not completed the turn in, “? Outland Sucks”. From using the older version for a while, I am used to clicking past steps.
I can click off “? Outland Sucks”, “! How to Serve Goblin”, “! A strange Weapon”, “! The Great Fissure”,”! Wanted Blacktalon”. When I try to click past “! Birds of a Feather”, WOW locks up and goes to Not Responding.
This happens now with just TomTom and the WowPro guides loaded up.

Hope this helps


ckelly227 commented 13 years ago

Jiyambi, quick update. I turned off the scroll mode setting and am able to click past any step.

It is acting normal atm.


silvann commented 13 years ago

I seem to have found at least some of the crash problems. \o/ But running some tests locally to make sure my fixes havent broken anything else.

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

Reposting here:

You are seriously a life saver silvann, I would never know where to start with fixing these crashes!

Also please note that the game itself has some crash issues right now (unless they patched today and fixed it when I wasn't paying attention) related to any object you can hover over and get a "gear". So those are not our fault.

AquilaChill commented 13 years ago

client freeze when right clicking Springpaw hide objective checkbox. client becomes unresponsive, leaking memory.

when WoW froze the first time it was annoying, but i've repeated this & it freezes it every time. Snowflakes Eversong Woods Guide step 119/167 Pelt Collection ( right clicking the objective freezes WoW, left clicking the next step (?) also freezes WoW. hope registering here was worth the report.

silvann commented 13 years ago

Thanks. Do you remember if the scrollbar options was enabled? If so, disabled it and try it again. If it doesn't crash, this means it'll get fixed in the next version with my fix.

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

Silvann, could this in any way be related to the tooltip crashes caused by the patch? Could our tooltips be causing a crash? I have no idea whether this would be a problem or not, just throwing the idea out there.

silvann commented 13 years ago

I havent read much about this tooltip crash, so no idea yet.

silvann commented 13 years ago

I have been running Hellfire Peninsula with the addon, where there were some crashes reported, and I havent experienced any crash. Scollbar was enabled, tooltips were enabled (I even had to use "cogwheel" actions) and no problem. Perhaps my previous fixes were enough? :) I can dream, can't I? :p

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

I do hope so - I just know many users reported not using the scrollbar.

silvann commented 13 years ago

Yeah, but the underlying bug was actually in the looting item code, I just noticed that I could reproduce the crashes using the scrollbar. Perhaps it was responsible for other kind of bugs too, that doesn't rely on the scrollbar being enabled. Anyway, I have no more ideas, so I'll work on more features, then you can release a new version and I'll keep an eye on new crash reports.

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

Okies. New version should be released tomorrow - I'm too pooped tonight, it takes a lot of energy to set up a new release :( Gotta upload it three places, craft some nice patch notes, announce it five places, and tweet about it! And update the issue list here. It's crazy!

silvann commented 13 years ago

Oh, it doesn't have to be that soon, take your time.

silvann commented 13 years ago

... is ths actually fixed? Have I missed any new crash/DCs reports since 1.7 version?

CodingDino commented 13 years ago

I have seen a few around WoWInterface, I think, but none with any useful details so I didn't pass them along.

With the huge revamp we've done, any issue that was causing these has probably been moved/change/morphed into something else. There may still be crashes, but I doubt the underlying reason is the same.

Should we close this for now then? And if the crashes reappear when we push the new version, open a new issue?

silvann commented 13 years ago

Yeah, that's probably better.