Luehang / react-paypal-button-v2

An easy and simple to use React button component to implement PayPal Checkout with Smart Payment Buttons V2 (Version 2).
MIT License
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Paypal Button intermittantly launching modal Error 'SDK Client Cache Miss' #81

Open fantypants opened 4 years ago

fantypants commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone, recently we are experiencing intermittent issues where you'll click the Paypal Button, and it will start loading the window, then it closes without any error, success or anything. Once debug is switched on the output is:

setup_production {timestamp: "1596715919277", referer: "", uid: XXXXXX", env: "production"} setup_production_5_0_148 {timestamp: "1596715919279", referer: "", uid: "XXXXX", env: "production"} sdk_client_cache_miss {timestamp: "1596715919280", referer: "", uid: "XXXXX", env: "production"} track {transition_name: "process_js_sdk_init_client", sdk_load_time: "1881", sdk_cache: "sdk_client_cache_miss", feed_name: "payments_sdk", serverside_data_source: "checkout", …}

Has anyone experienced this before?