when I try to use a long script ,final video is lagged due to objection effect and i did not get where cause this result
comments = [
Comment(user_name = 'fowlraul', text_content='Its also absurd, disgusting, treasonous, dumb, stupid, lame, and totally not a surprise at all'),
Comment(user_name = 'coldstreamer59', text_content='Trump is a narcissistic traitor, a psycho'),
Comment(user_name = 'straygoat193', text_content='You are right Bernie He is a sick man and is using an international crisis to get the attention he so misses'),
Comment(user_name = 'newNull', text_content='Americans in name only Fuck the GOP!'),
Comment(user_name = 'wish1977', text_content='At a time when the country should be rallying around our president, Donald Trump seems to be rallying around his president or should I say dictator'),
Comment(user_name = 'dartie', text_content='Trump deserves prison'),
Comment(user_name = 'PURPLEPEE', text_content='Fuck Trump and Putin'),
Comment(user_name = 'cgilbertmc', text_content='and typical')]
when I try to use a long script ,final video is lagged due to objection effect and i did not get where cause this result g047KD3aQA2XAuB7Qn-6RA_comments.zip