LuisMiCa / IRsmallDecoder

A small, fast and reliable infrared signals decoder to control Arduino projects with remotes.
MIT License
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Pin Change Interrupts #4

Closed betyar closed 3 years ago

betyar commented 3 years ago

This library looks to be exactly what I was looking for. I tried to use IRRemote but it conflicted with a SSD1306 OLED I am also using as well. I guess it must be a timer conflict. Anyway, my question is this: can I use a pin change interrupt instead of the allocated external hardware interrupts (I am using an ATMEGA 328P)?

LuisMiCa commented 3 years ago

The short answer is: no, this library does not use the pin change interrupt.

However, like I mentioned in the Possible improvements section, it might be possible to modify it, so it can use the NicoHood's PinChangeInterrupt Library, but I haven't got around to testing that...

If you really must use a pin that it's not on the list, try the NicoHood's IRLremote Library with the PinChangeInterrupts.

betyar commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for your quick reply and suggestion. I will try and rewire my circuit, but if it is a problem then I will try NicoHood's IRLremote Library.