Removed keyboards book/lectern screen as the methed that i used to get the text of the book is now private.
The getCursorStack method is removed in 1.17 so i added the functionality to read the tooltips instead when using mouse to navigate in inventory.
Changes per file
build.gradle file :-
Commented the plugins and dependencies for 1.16 and added the plugins and dependencies for 1.17. Added maven repository for cloth client events as it was giving errors while running without them. :-
Commented the package versions for 1.16 and added package versions for 1.17.
Changed the required minecraft version from 1.16.x to 1.17.x
AccessibilityPlus :-
Changed signentity.getTextOnRow(0) to signentity.getTextOnRow(0, false) as the boolean value is now required by the method.
HudScreenHandler :-
Removed lecternScreen() and bookScreen() method.
NarratorPlus :-
Added previousToolTip variable which is required for the new method of narrating cursor stack.
ConfigButton :-
onClick method now requires InputResult to be reurned
KeyBoardController :-
Removed the onClientTick method
ItemStackTooltipInject :-
Added the new method of narrating cursor stack.
Changes Overview
Changes per file