LuisUrdianivia1994 / Lenovo-Flex--15-Flex14-Hackintosh

This is My Hackintosh Build On OpenCore and macOS Catalina
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Black screen installation stop at 12 minut #3

Open mimi01m opened 2 years ago

mimi01m commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have a Lenovo Flex 15 laptop with Bios version 8ACN34WW, cpu i7-4500U, hd 4400-nvidia 820m. I installed Big sur 11.6.5 with MBP 11.4 folder. The problem is that in the first installation phase it stops at 12 min then goes to black screen and I had to turn off and on the pc to continue with the installation. the laptop does not restart. I have installed and it works normally but both restart and hibernation do not work. Thank you Sorry for disturbing

LuisUrdianivia1994 commented 2 years ago

This solution has also been applied without satisfactory results. you can find it in your EFI as "FixShutdown-USB-SSDT.aml" in both as the DSDT and SSDT they have the coincidences that the guide indicates. Captura de Pantalla 2022-04-12 a la(s) 5 49 28 p m Captura de Pantalla 2022-04-12 a la(s) 5 56 08 p m

I'm starting to think it's not just a USB issue.

mimi01m commented 2 years ago


I have indeed seen it in the ACPI folder.

You are a great teacher. I believe you are engineer I do not know What I don't understand is how come it happens only and maybe not in these models? Also because other users will have the same complaints.

Everything works beautifully I have tried various programs and everything works beautifully.

mimi01m commented 2 years ago

I always think that I need people like you in my life, always ready, exact, thank you.

mimi01m commented 2 years ago

I really love your job. If there is evidence, know that I am and always remain available.

mimi01m commented 2 years ago

Do you think that I do not understand anything about the guide. I am pleased to talk to you because you are always a simple person that I admire. I don't know I know maybe because we are close with the same mentality or other.

Thank's my friend

LuisUrdianivia1994 commented 2 years ago

that's how it happens... it's very good when there's a mutual understanding. If only he had understanding, perhaps we would be a more advanced society and it would be a better world.

Regarding the inconvenience: If in fact it usually happens I have hackintosh in some laptops of different brands and I have not had any problems unless the most popular problem is only the sleep mode.

In simple terms it is much easier to do Hackintosh on a desktop PC than on a laptop and less ACPI patches are required maybe two SSDTs are enough


And that's about it to run a Hackintosh on a desktop PC, sometimes ACPI patches are also required for other things but that's another story.

about me:

I started in this world of hackintosh for fun and desire to learn, I've been in this business for more or less 4 years. And I say business because I also sell my services as personalized EFI's and advice to those who want to learn but do not understand the guides. (it is a very good market) here in Mexico there are times when one cannot afford a new iMac/MacBookPro or an old second-hand one because they tend to think that it is not devalued.

the hackintosh is good for us, especially when one is a student with a PC/ laptop like i5 and really want to do it.

I am an electronics engineer, I love it and I am dedicated to repairing amplifiers/TV's, PC's, Laptops, etc. but there are times when it doesn't satisfy me and I look for something else.

Eventually I was always good at computers, even in my high school, high school and university days. I got software that they asked me to order because no one else had it or its price was very high. (don't laugh but it's better not to ask where it comes from).

My first unsuccessful hackitosh attempt was with "OSX mountain lion" I think around the year 2011 on a PC with a Core2duo, it barely reached the installer and turned off.

Give in and choose to use linux in your variables like: Debian, Ubuntu Mint, Kali (here I learned to audit Wifi networks) I also used Windows for years. More or less around 2017 I was quite interested because I used a Mac and I didn't have one. After reading and reading I made my second hackintosh, this time functional with a 3rd Generation PC and High Sierra It was so satisfying to achieve it

About this laptop when I bought it the first thing I did was hackintosh it but it didn't look quite right I always gave it Kernel Panic for anything and it was because of Clover Everything changed when I met the opencore guide and I made this EFI I even do exercises/programs and bots with Python while I'm on my way to work and it works Quite Good and even better than Windows

Regarding that if I am a good teacher I only give my best effort, if I like to teach but I feel that I am not very good at transmitting knowledge... I would say that I am very impatient.

mimi01m commented 2 years ago

Hello my dear, yes, I had guessed that you are an engineer, from your way of speaking we understand many things, and let's say entering into friendship I am very pleased that it is. From mine, I have the diploma of technical industrial mechanic expert. I live in Italy, i don't understand much from the guides. As they say .. as the bearings serve to reduce the friction in mechanics, all these ssdt make the PC functioning smoother, let's say .. (maybe) If it weren't for your explanations at this hour ... Guides are useful up to a point. He has to pull his nails by himself like the cat. I've only been passionate about past commodore computers, amiga etc. for a long time. now with mac .. I rediscovered all this and I'm not that old this thanks to your explanations .. Surely thanks to you. I tried catalina on this laptop with Dortania generics too, it doesn't have reboot, ( sleep corresponds to a reboot) a reinforced concrete laptop :) don't laugh (but you already know this) :) I don't understand anything about the guides but I met a person who virtually explains you well. Returning to computers: Both EFI folders work very well and I give you credit for that. Our Lenovo are tough we see that they install so many people with ease and i find myself on everything you said. Rare cases? In any case, are always available as an enthusiast to try. Incidentally, is it a coincidence with speaking? I like cats too :) I wish you good health, and thank you very much

mimi01m commented 2 years ago

Dear friend, even though we are far away, I wish you and your family a happy Easter. I have relatives in Venezuela and maybe I hope we get to know each other in person. Other people etc. I am happy that a very good and helpful person like you is very understanding and is able to pass on what he teaches. Thank you