LukaKobaidze / typing-app

Typing App built with TypeScript, React, Sass, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, | Inspired by Monkeytype | For learning purposes | Updating this project once in a while as I learn more web things. 😀Enjoy
36 stars 5 forks source link

Nice work! How to deploy to netlify/vercel? #1

Open xingfanxia opened 9 months ago

xingfanxia commented 9 months ago

Nice work! How to deploy to netlify/vercel?

LukaKobaidze commented 9 months ago

Thank you! ❀ Deploying on netlify/vercel is pretty straight forward with GitHub. All you have to do is to connect your repository to netlify/vercel, with small tweaks in the build settings of the chosen deploy service, depending on your project. Specifically in this project, I connected this repository to Netlify, then in Netlify's build settings I changed 'Base Directory' to client, since my client-side root code starts in the client folder. In this project Netlify only handles the client-side, server-side code is hosted on, both are free services.

Sorry for the late response, didn't receive a notification for some reason. If you have more questions, feel free to ask!

Erenowerflow commented 4 months ago

can you add html css js php codes?