Lukas-Heiligenbrunner / AURCache

A cache build server for Archlinux AUR packages and serving them
MIT License
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Bug: Copy-pasting AUR package name into search field does not work #15

Open CommanderRedYT opened 2 weeks ago

CommanderRedYT commented 2 weeks ago

When copy-pasting a string into the searchfield, a empty list shows up. If you type every character manually, it works. (Removing one character and adding it again does not work either.

Lukas-Heiligenbrunner commented 1 week ago

Hey, I can't reproduce this one, what exactly are you searching? And on the AUR page right, not on the main dashboard?

CommanderRedYT commented 1 week ago

Yes, on the AUR page. I just copy-paste any full package name like yay into the field. It looks like there are two input fields ontop of each other. But it shows no results. When I enter y a y it works.

Lukas-Heiligenbrunner commented 1 week ago

Like this?

Lukas-Heiligenbrunner commented 1 week ago

You could also check if the request to /api/search?query=yay is successfull