Lukasa / language-restructuredtext

A ReStructuredText syntax package for Atom
MIT License
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Incomplete support for section underlines #30

Closed brettcannon closed 8 years ago

brettcannon commented 8 years ago

According to the complete list is ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~. The recommended list is= - : . ' " ~ ^ _ * + #. Unfortunately the support in the package doesn't fully cover the recommended list, let alone the complete list. It would be great if support for at least the recommended list was added.

Lukasa commented 8 years ago

Seems reasonable to me! Want to open a PR with the change @brettcannon?

brettcannon commented 8 years ago

PR is untested, but it should add all of the recommended symbols for section underlines.