Lukasa / language-restructuredtext

A ReStructuredText syntax package for Atom
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Please add support for a few more Sphinx extensions #49

Closed sitsofe closed 7 years ago

sitsofe commented 7 years ago

(I was directed over here because Github uses TextMate-style language grammars through the linguist project ( ) and linguist points ( ) to the language-restructuredtext project)

Could support for a few more Sphinx extensions be added? Over on the one that is most problematic is the .. option:: directive ( ). There are few others such as the :option: inline markup ( ) and :manpage: inline markup ( ) but those are more minor...

Alhadis commented 7 years ago

It'd be my pleasure. Give me a comprehensive list of what you'd like added and I'll see to it right away.

Doesn't matter if they're minor, it's good to be comprehensive.

sitsofe commented 7 years ago

Wow - thank you!

My own selfish reasons are to have enough to render and on github.

For directives that would be:

.. option

For inline markup:


If you're looking for the full list beyond what I need I guess it would be and .

I didn't mean it as a demand so let me know what you think.

Alhadis commented 7 years ago

No problem. I'll start soon.

Alhadis commented 7 years ago

* s/soon/once I've finished pillaging VSCode for stuff that's missing from file-Icons/i;

Common typo, sorry.

Alhadis commented 7 years ago

Wait. Are you expecting this to affect the rendered markup on GitHub, or just reStructuredText's syntax highlighting? It occurred to me just now you mightn't know that the two are very separate. We can control syntax highlighting, but the way GitHub renders markup is entirely up to them.

If it's the latter, you'd be better off submitting a request to GitHub support.

Alhadis commented 7 years ago

Okay, yeah, after examining this closer, I realise this is what you probably meant - the highlighting for .. option directives looks fine in Atom, as do the other tags you mentioned.

Feel pretty silly now, heh.

sitsofe commented 7 years ago

@Alhadis You're absolutely right - looks like I went in the wrong direction. Investigating further the raw markup to HTML conversion is done by using rst2html . The problem is rst2html errors on Sphinx extensions which is why the Sphinx project recommends using a .txt extension rather .rst ( ).