Open Luke-Manyamazi opened 1 month ago
Here is the link to my updated career development plan -
Comment from @elhadji I have had a look at you DP. It looks very professional. I have added some comments for your consideration. I really like the fact that you have added your path to becoming a full stack engineer. It is very clear and concise. I would encourage you to stick to it. I might just copy your full stack engineer journey and adapt it to my situation, well done.
Comment from @Serna I've read through your development plan and it's nice to see that you plan to push through till December 2025. I like how detailed your plan is and how you laid everything out. Seems like we have similar goals too. I think if you keep up with this plan and follow the CYF curriculum and alternative resources you'll definitely achieve your goals.
Comment I gave to Serna Hi Serna, I reviewed your Development Plan, and it's really exciting to see how detailed it is. I also appreciate how you've clearly outlined your strengths and set SMART, measurable objectives. Your intention to start building projects and collaborate with others in tech demonstrates your strong determination to achieve your goals. This approach will not only help you gain more skills and knowledge but also enhance everything we're learning.
Coursework content
Your Development plan is a valuable tool for your career and helps you define what you want to develop.
Open the Development Plan you created previously and use the below information to update it:
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
Create the habit of reviewing your development plan and updating it, closing goals you have achieved and adding new ones. Also, use the knowledge you learn during the course, for example, writing goals in a SMART way.
How to submit