Luke100000 / ImmersiveMelodies

Play custom melodies on various instruments and annoy your friends!
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Melody doesn't show up when draging a midi file. #54

Open TVCJ13 opened 3 weeks ago

TVCJ13 commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug When adding a midi file by draging it and then clicking the red cross to remove it and then re adding it, the song doesn't show up.

Latest.log latest.log

To Reproduce Upload a midi song file by draging it in the melody screen, click at the red cross to remove the song you just added, Repeat the step one.

Expected behavior That the song just show up to be able to play it.

Screenshots 2024-06-02_18 23 01

Luke100000 commented 1 week ago

Please update the mod

TVCJ13 commented 1 week ago

Please update the mod

As I said to you in your discord im using it in 1.18.2. But I would love to see a backport of that update in 1.18.2 !