Luke100000 / ImmersiveMelodies

Play custom melodies on various instruments and annoy your friends!
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Crash when launching game #55

Closed GrandmaPork closed 3 weeks ago

GrandmaPork commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug When a game is launched with a certain mod installed, it crashes. On occasion it will launch but the lang file would fail to load causing all text to be boxes []. Quit and restart or attempt to create a world (it will then crash).



To Reproduce Launch game with incompatible mod.

Expected behavior I expected the game to launch normally

Screenshots I do not have screenshots of the boxes bug

Additional context I have ~170 mods installed so if logs do not show what's causing the issue, I can do a binary search to find out which mod is

Luke100000 commented 3 weeks ago
net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoadingException: Mod §edynamictrees§r requires §6forge§r §obetween 47 and 47.1.3 (inclusive)§r
§7Currently, §6forge§r§7 is §o47.2.21

Remove dynamictrees or pick a supported forge