Luke100000 / ImmersiveMelodies

Play custom melodies on various instruments and annoy your friends!
4 stars 4 forks source link

Suggestion:allow user import their own instruments sound or provide more and better tones. #56

Open Ales-77 opened 2 weeks ago

Ales-77 commented 2 weeks ago

For example,i think the the original piano sound in the mod doesn't sound very good.If i can use VSTi plugins I've downloaded in place of its original, less impressive sound, should definitely result in a better feeling. Alternatively, can you enhance your music by adding additional and superior sounds in the form of data packs.?As far as I know, Redstone music players usually uses data packs to introduce a wider range of tones to the note block.

Luke100000 commented 2 weeks ago

Sounds can be freely changed with resource packs, and the repo contains scripts to auto generate pitches