Luke100000 / ImmersiveMelodies

Play custom melodies on various instruments and annoy your friends!
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Suggestion: Let players play melodies while sitting #57

Open nyaikerusama opened 2 weeks ago

nyaikerusama commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure whether it's intended, or a bug, but whenever I sit on ANYTHING, the melody immediately stops playing. I feel like it would make sense to let it continue, or at least make it a config. I have a mod that lets me sit on stairs, but when I sit down to play something, nothing happens. image

Luke100000 commented 1 week ago

What is the sitting mod?

nyaikerusama commented 1 week ago

What is the sitting mod?

I'm using Sit by bl4ckscor3, but it also doesn't work with NiftyCarts, and likely other forms of sitting. I haven't tested vanilla but modded doesn't seem to work at least