Luke100000 / minecraft-comes-alive

Replaces Minecraft's villagers with humans, who can be interacted with.
GNU General Public License v3.0
70 stars 49 forks source link

How avoid them to look in my direction #869

Closed Yuuzinhozi closed 3 months ago

Yuuzinhozi commented 4 months ago

In my multiplayer server the TPS be really bad when im with a lot of villagers around me, idk how fix it, but I have one idea, maybe disable the option of the villagers go in we direction to say ''welcome'' avoid it, how I disable that option?


Luke100000 commented 4 months ago

in the config, there is a welcome day counter, increase it. But I would be happy if you can provide a spark profiling report because 7 TPS is beyond reasonable ^^

Yuuzinhozi commented 4 months ago

i was alone at the server, but it was what showed, i will try do another one when the players are online.

Luke100000 commented 4 months ago

Alright so, MCA vilagers are slow as always but there isnt anything we can do. Its Minecraft being Minecraft.

However, around 6 times as much time is spent on an obvious, most likely non mca related bug: image

So the player entity triggers an recipe advancement and saves the recipe book, 20 ticks per second, probably every entity. Sadly I lack the information to further track that down, but I am certain that this is a bug.

What you can try is to give you every advancement and see if this issue stops. Make a backup first.

Yuuzinhozi commented 4 months ago

Im using some others mods, and that mods have some advancement, including the mca, u think getting every advancement can maybe solve? there's some command for i do it more fast, or just getting in creative and that's all.

Luke100000 commented 4 months ago

Im using some others mods, and that mods have some advancement, including the mca, u think getting every advancement can maybe solve? there's some command for i do it more fast, or just getting in creative and that's all.

Yes the advancement command has a grant all.