Complete front-end redesign/restructure centered around a global context store. Yew's context management is overly complex and heavy on boilerplate and generic types. New state management using yewdux and modularization to help incorporate more complex state management.
Modularization (new api module):
api/types for imports in various modules
api/user_api to hold functions for registration, login, logout and lookups
rename views to pages with consistent component names (, NamePage())
Ideally, I think types should be shared and imported in the backend as well because the structure should be the same
New style with tailwind:
easy tailwind integration without node modules/binaries using npx + Trunk.toml config
new navigation bar that with login/register or user information
Complete front-end redesign/restructure centered around a global context store. Yew's context management is overly complex and heavy on boilerplate and generic types. New state management using yewdux and modularization to help incorporate more complex state management.
Modularization (new api module):
Ideally, I think types should be shared and imported in the backend as well because the structure should be the same
New style with tailwind:
Validation and user-authentication:
Other additions:
More to do:
Probably better to wait until the Axum implementation is finished to handle credentials and hashing.