LukeMathWalker / wiremock-rs

HTTP mocking to test Rust applications.
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feat: implement Debug trait for MockServer #134

Closed mbechto closed 7 months ago

mbechto commented 8 months ago

Description of changes:

Provides an implementation for the std::fmt::Debug trait for wiremock::MockServer. I thought let's keep it simple, so it just prints the address:

MockServer { address: }

Motivation: cucumber-rs requires all implementations of cucumber::World to implement Debug. Given all members implement Debug, it can be derived:

#[derive(Default, Debug, cucumber::World)]
World { // keeps all state of a test scenario, therefore mock_server fits well
  pub mock_server: Option<wiremock::MockServer>, // <- compilation error

Of course it is possible to implement Debug for World, but less ergonomic. Hence this PR.

Please tell me what you think - I am happy to provide any changes if required!

By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, under the terms of your choice.

LukeMathWalker commented 8 months ago

I'm quite happy to add a Debug implementation, but I would prefer to see a #[derive(Debug)] on MockServer and a manual implementation of Debug on BareMockServer, which prints just the address as you currently do.

mbechto commented 8 months ago

Sure, can do. Since it is a tuple struct, it would look like this:


or, if implemented canonically:

MockServer(BareMockServer { address: })

Which version do you prefer @LukeMathWalker?

LukeMathWalker commented 8 months ago

Let's go for the canonical version, since it'll include the variant information which can be useful when debugging.

mbechto commented 8 months ago

It turned out not as elegant as I hoped... the main problem being that it's not possible to implement Debug for PooledMockServer, which is a custom type consisting of deadpool::managed::Object<T>. Therefore, I needed to implement Debug for the InnerServer enum.

And I have now added a test for it, please have a look.

What do you think?

LukeMathWalker commented 8 months ago

deadpool's Object implements Debug if the type managed by the pool implements Debug and the manager itself implements Debug—see

So it should be enough to derive Debug for

mbechto commented 8 months ago

Nice, I wasn't aware of that, thanks!

Using #[derive(Debug)] on MockServer all the way down to MockServerPoolManager gives us this rather lengthy (but indeed very accurate) string:

MockServer(Pooled(Object { inner: Some(ObjectInner { obj: BareMockServer { address: }, metrics: Metrics { created: Instant { tv_sec: 261427, tv_nsec: 447625625 }, recycled: None, recycle_count: 0 } }) }))

And in the unpooled case simply:

MockServer(Bare(BareMockServer { address: }))

Is that fine?

LukeMathWalker commented 8 months ago

Yup, let's keep maximum fidelity as our first pass at implementing Debug.

mbechto commented 8 months ago

Please review @LukeMathWalker