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[virtualization][containers] Run the latest desktop environment using a container #1007

Open LukeShortCloud opened 1 year ago

LukeShortCloud commented 1 year ago

LukeShortCloud commented 1 year ago

LukeShortCloud commented 2 months ago

Minimal example I have been testing (but webcam and headphones do not work):

distrobox create --init --additional-packages "systemd" --image fedora:38 fedora38
distrobox enter fedora38
sudo dnf groupnstall "KDE Plasma Workspaces"
mkdir ~/.local/bin/
echo '#!/bin/bash
xhost +SI:localuser:$USER
/usr/bin/distrobox-enter --no-tty --name fedora38 -- "/usr/bin/startplasma-x11"' | tee /var/home/user/.local/bin/plasma-x11-distrobox
chmod +x /var/home/user/.local/bin/plasma-x11-distrobox
xinit /var/home/user/.local/bin/plasma-x11-distrobox -- :4